The Rose

Peggy Pearl in Canada
2 min readMay 28, 2021


How do you define The Rose?

Why there is “The” because The Rose is a very unique one in the universe.

Have you ever heard or read the fairy tale called The Little Prince?

The Rose is strong and loved.

For The Rose lost the little prince.

It may be one of the major circumstances in her life.

Since The Rose was born in B612,

When she was born she received the first charming smile from The Little Prince.

From that moment, The Little Prince taking care of her and accompanies her.

A day the Little prince chooses to leave.

The Rose has no choice but to feel sad.

And then The Rose lives alone without a The Little Prince.

But The Rose did not collapse because she knows it is life.

Abandon the cover from her.

The Rose took the initiative to invite The Little Prince to a farewell.

From her kind words and warm deeds.

The Little Prince can feel that The Rose chose to be strong.

Maybe it is because she does not worry about being loved.

Maybe The Rose faintly thinks that The Little Prince will come back one day.

Or maybe it is just because she does not want to force an ineffable encounter.

In short, she chose to bravely face the world without The Little Prince.

Work hard alone.

Be strong alone.

Actually Love, never just love others. Know that loving yourself is another kind of love.

Know how to give, but also know how to accept love.

Be a giver, it is happier sometimes.

Know how to express dissatisfaction.

Also, know how to be considerate and inclusive.

Losing may feel uncomfortable at that moment.

But when you’re alone, it’s also when you learn to love yourself.

You will see more because of it.

You can also experience another life.

Survive this period, you will also be a better person.

The Rose is so beautiful all the time.

Not because she has the love of The Little Prince.

But because she knows how to treat herself better.

I also know how to love myself, said The Rose.

This is the strength and self-love that rose possesses.

This is also the best future that Rose has created for herself.

It may be thanks to the memories The Little Prince gave.

Did not force him to stay because The Rose understands…

If someone has to go, then let go.

Hope The Little Prince is happy always, said The Rose.

The Little Prince hugged the Rose and flew with tears to somewhere.

